
These projects represent my professional contributions and experiences. Some were developed during my tenure with previous employers, and out of respect for their privacy, I may not disclose all project details. Others are data science projects aimed at showcasing my skills and proficiency in data analytics methodologies and workflows.

Global customer success Restructuring and reforming @ moove

Project Overview: Overhaul the customer success structure across all of MOOVE’s global markets.

Key Responsibilities:

Hiring strategy: Restructuring the hiring process, ensuring that the team was well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of different markets.

Customer Success Front Review: Conducted a comprehensive review of the customer success front, identifying areas for improvement to enhance customer interactions and satisfaction.

Acquiring and Setting CRM Tools: A critical part of this project was the acquisition and implementation of CRM tools across various markets. Selecting the right tools and ensuring their successful integration into existing systems.

This project led to a more streamlined and effective customer success operation globally, improving customer engagement and satisfaction across MOOVE’s markets.

Waze App (User Churn Rate)

Project Overview:

The project focused on reducing monthly user churn on the Waze app, a subsidiary of Google offering satellite navigation software. The primary objective was to identify factors influencing user churn and develop a predictive model to determine whether a user will remain or churn. This initiative aimed to enhance overall growth by addressing the reasons behind user attrition and implementing strategies to mitigate churn effectively.

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Chatbot Development and Implementation @MOOVE

Project Overview: To develop and implement an automated chatbot, aimed at smoothing customer interactions and improving operational efficiency.

Framework Development: Responsible for drawing the framework of the chatbot project, carefully planning out each stage of development and implementation.

Key Success Indicators: Established clear key success indicators to measure the effectiveness and impact of the chatbot.
Chatbot Development: My role encompassed the actual development of the chatbot, ensuring it met the specified requirements and was capable of handling a variety of customer interactions effectively.

Pilot and Full Market Implementation: Initially, the chatbot was implemented in a pilot phase, allowing for testing and refinements. Following the successful pilot, Oversaw its full implementation across all MOOVE markets.

The introduction of the chatbot significantly enhanced customer service interactions, making them more efficient and user-friendly.
It also contributed to operational benefits, including reduced response times and increased customer satisfaction.

Zulunation Motors

Project Overview:

The HR department at Zulunation Motors aims to enhance employee satisfaction by analyzing collected data to understand the factors influencing employee attrition. The primary objective is to build predictive models that determine whether an employee is likely to leave the company. By accurately predicting potential departures, the project seeks to uncover underlying factors contributing to employee turnover, enabling proactive measures to retain valuable staff members and improve overall organizational retention rates.

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